Bu Blogda Ara

3 Mayıs 2021 Pazartesi

"Adaptive Subdivide" Modunda "Micro Displacement" Uygulamasında Obje Kenarlarında Meydana Gelen Boşluklar

Bu yazı; Blender'da "Adaptive Subdivide" modunda "Micro Displacement" uygulamasında obje kenarlarında meydana gelen boşluklardan dolayı oluşturulmuştur.

Bunlarla ilgili bazı başlıklar şöyleydi.




Andrew Price, https://twitter.com/andrewpprice/status/1160783200324481024 adresinde bu konuya değinmiş.

"Just posted this question on Blender stackexchange: https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/148279/adaptive-subdiv-produces-visible-gap-between-materials Any way to prevent visible gaps in meshes when using multiple materials and adaptive subdiv?"

Joseph Masaki, https://twitter.com/vertenflow/status/1160782236578246656 adresinde Andrew'e şu cevabı vermiş:

Vertex paint driving mix nodes? not as easy to customize for different combinations.

Joseph Masaki'nin paylaştığı "node" şöyle:
Fakat bu iki ayrı PBR materyali karşılamıyor. Bunun için Andrew'e https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/148279/visible-gaps-in-mesh-when-using-adaptive-subdiv-and-multiple-materials adresinde verilen diğer cevapları test etmek gerekir:

One painful way to control adaptive subdiv displacement transitions is using Vertex Paint. Ex using stone and grass, each using their own displacement map:

Create 3 materials, two for the real materials and one that will be using the other two for the transition. enter image description here.

Create two node groups corresponding to each of your materials including the BSDF AND the Displacement output. enter image description here enter image description here

Create the transition geometry, ex: a band of faces that we'll use for vertex painting: enter image description here

Make sure to assign each material to its vertices, ex: grass on one side, stone on the other and the transition material in between enter image description here

Create a vertex color layer and paint where the transition happens, one side white, one side black. This is used to control the displacement "height" transition between the materials enter image description here

For the transition material, use the Attribute node to get the Vertex Color and drive the transitione by scaling the two materials displacement vectors enter image description here

Note, you will need one new "Mix" material and vertex color layer for each material transition required.

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